Hypoallergenic Dogs Near Me

Hypoallergenic Dogs Near Me: Find the Best Dog for Your Home

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Do you love dogs, but find that you’re allergic to them? You’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from allergies to dogs. But what if there was a way to enjoy the company of a furry friend without all the sneezing and sniffling?

Enter hypoallergenic dogs. These special pups are bred to be less likely to cause an allergic reaction, making them the perfect choice for people with allergies. In case you’re allergic to dog poop, you can learn how to potty train your dog.

But what exactly are hypoallergenic dogs? And where can you find one that’s right for your family? 

What Are Hypoallergenic Dogs?

Hypoallergenic dogs are breeds that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction in people. This is because they don’t shed as much as other dogs and they have less dander, which is the protein that causes most allergies.

When choosing a hypoallergenic dog, it’s important to consider your allergies and their severity of them. For example, if you’re allergic to dog dander, you may not have any problems with a hypoallergenic breed. However, if you’re allergic to dog saliva, you may want to avoid breeds that produce a lot of saliva, such as the Poodle.

There are a variety of hypoallergenic dog breeds to choose from, so you’re sure to find the perfect one for you and your family.

Where Can I Find Hypoallergenic Dogs Near Me?

Rescue Groups

Rescue groups are a great place to start your search for a hypoallergenic dog. Many of these groups specialize in finding homes for specific types of dogs, including hypoallergenic breeds. So look out for local rescue groups around your area that you can work with.

Local Shelters

Local shelters are a great place to start your pet-parenting journey. People who can’t take care of their pets anymore often place them in a shelter. Many shelters have a variety of hypoallergenic breeds available for adoption. Be sure to check out local shelters near you.

Be a Volunteer

Shelters are always looking for people to help take care of dogs, so you can consider volunteering at a local shelter or rescue group. By volunteering you get to learn how to take care of a hypoallergenic dog even before you adopt one.

Social Media

When you’re looking for a new best friend, social media is a great place to start. Rescue groups often have websites where you can browse different breeds, and many of them also have social media platforms that you can use to request a specific breed.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Bichon Frise

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a small, hypoallergenic breed that is quite the looker. Its silky velvet coat can keep you staring at it all day, they’re ideal for people who are allergic to dog dander. Bichon Frises are also known for being very friendly, making them great companions for people of all ages.

Shih Tzu

Which Hypoallergenic Dogs Are Good for Apartments

The Shih Tzu is a small, hypoallergenic breed that doesn’t shed much, so they’re ideal for people who are allergic to dog dander. These dogs are also known for being very loving and affectionate.


Good House Dogs Small Maltese

The Maltese is another adorable hypoallergenic breed with a beautiful low shedding coat. But you may find hair around the house if you don’t bathe and brush them occasionally, so don’t overlook basic grooming.


Best Dogs For NYC Apartments Poodle

Poodles are hypoallergenic dogs that come in a variety of sizes. They are the perfect ​​combination of elegance and smartness. Standard Poodles are the largest of the Poodle breeds, while Miniature Poodles and Toy Poodles are smaller breeds.

The Puli

The Puli has a distinctive and adorable mop-like coat that doesn’t shed which qualifies them to be hypoallergenic. They are smart and very strong-willed but also very playful making them a perfect companion.

A hypoallergenic dog is a great way to ensure that everyone, even those with dog allergies can enjoy spending time with a furry friend. 

Which Hypoallergenic Dogs Are Good for Apartments?

Dogs can be great companions and can provide us with much-needed exercise, but for people with allergies, they can also be a trigger. If you’re looking for a hypoallergenic dog breed that would be a good fit for an apartment, here are a few to consider.

The Bichon Frise is a small, hypoallergenic dog breed that is known for being cheerful and friendly. They are also low-shedding, making them a good choice for people with allergies. Bichon Frises do well in apartments because they are relatively inactive indoors and don’t require a lot of space to run around.

The Maltese are another small, hypoallergenic dog breed that is good for apartments. They are affectionate and gentle, and like the Bichon Frise, they are low-shedding. Malteses are also relatively inactive indoors, so they don’t need a lot of space to run and play.

The Poodle is a hypoallergenic dog breed that comes in three sizes: Standard, Miniature, and Toy. Poodles are intelligent and trainable, and their hypoallergenic coat makes them a good choice for people with allergies. Poodles do well in apartments because they are relatively inactive indoors and only need a moderate amount of exercise.

Best Big Dogs for Apartments

Best Big Dogs for Apartments English Mastiff

Do you live in an apartment and think you can’t have a big dog? Think again! There are plenty of large breeds that are perfect for small spaces, as long as you’re prepared to give them the exercise they need. Here are some of the best big dogs for apartments:

  1. Greyhounds 
  2. Labrador Retrievers 
  3. Great Danes 
  4. Boxers
  5. Bullmastiffs 
  6. English Mastiffs

If you’re looking for a big dog that will do well in an apartment, any of these breeds would be a great choice. Just be sure to give them plenty of love and attention, and make sure they get enough exercise.

Good House Dogs Small

Small dogs may not be able to do some of the things that bigger dogs can, but they more than makeup for it in personality. Here are several small breeds that make great companions.

  • Chihuahuas 
  • Pomeranians 
  • Yorkshire terriers 
  • Boston terriers 
  • Pugs 
  • Shih Tzus

Worst Dogs for Apartments

Worst Dogs for Apartments Labrador Retriever

Some dogs just don’t do well in apartments. If you’re considering getting a dog but you live in an apartment, you might want to steer clear of these breeds. While all dogs need exercise, these breeds are just too high energy for small spaces.

  • Dalmatian
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Border Collie
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Australian Cattle Dog

Best Dogs For Apartments Alone

Dogs that can be left alone in apartments are a great option for people who live in small spaces and don’t have the time or energy to constantly supervise a pet. While all dogs need some exercise and stimulation, certain breeds are more independent and low-maintenance than others.

Here are some of the best dogs for apartment living:

  • Greyhounds
  • Bichon Frise 
  • Shih Tzus
  • Bullmastiffs 
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Best Dogs For NYC Apartments 

New Yorkers love their dogs. A report showed that 70% of US households own a pet. But with living space at a premium in the city, not all dog breeds are well-suited for city life.

So, what are the best dogs for NYC apartments? Here are a few of our top picks:

  • Labrador Retrievers
  • French Bulldogs
  • The Shih Tzus
  • Poodles
  • Boston Terriers

These are just a few of the best dogs for NYC apartments. If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your household, be sure to do your research to find the breed that’s best suited for your lifestyle.

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